.delicious dill dip.

.delicious dill dip.

Dear Reader,

This post is a result of the adventures that come of looking in my fridge at leftovers! I'm a big proponent of finding creative recipes as not to waste food. For this meal, I peeked in my fridge: a multitude of veggies and a plain yogurt. What to do with that?

Obvious answer, a salad 🥗. I tossed together some greens, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions. Plenty of color and variety. Now, how to snazz it up?

The dressing! So the below recipe is the dressing dip that I came up with.  After looking online I realized it's pretty close to a Greek yogurt dip, but this is my own unique concoction. 


Delicious Dill Dip

  • Plain Greek yogurt (I used local Pittsburgh co. Naturi ♥️)

  • EVOO

  • ACV

  • Dill

  • Diced onions

  • Diced tomatoes

  • Lemon juice

  • Ground pepper

  • Pink salt


  1. Mix all to your taste and desired thickness.

  2. Enjoy as dressing, dip, or topping!

.learn from this lizard.

.learn from this lizard.

.better to pay the grocer than the doctor.

.better to pay the grocer than the doctor.